Smart Packaging Solutions presents new sustainable packaging

Smart Packaging Solutions presents new sustainable packaging

Smart Packaging Solutions presents a new high-performance cardboard sustainable packaging. The packaging is different because it is made from 100% pure recycled fibres, but if desired it can be laminated on one side. Applicable for countless applications and custom-made where required.

Smart Packaging Solutions is absolutely committed to sustainability. Our solid cardboard packaging is made entirely from recycled paper and can be completely recycled after use. Smart Packaging Solutions is constantly innovating to reduce environmental impact even further. The latest development is the introduction of packaging that is even more sustainable.

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What makes the packaging so sustainable?

Solid cardboard is by nature very robust and strong so that products are well protected. The packaging that we manufacture as standard is laminated on both sides for extra rigidity and humidity resistance according to customer wishes. Our facility in Loenen has now managed to develop packaging that no longer requires lamination. This makes this packaging even more sustainable and cost-reducing for countless applications.

The new packaging is made completely to meet your wishes.  The basis is packaging made from uncoated grey cardboard. This packaging comes ready to use from the machine. But should you wish the packaging to be custom printed on one side, it can be coated on one side to ensure that the printing is clearly visible. If you want a really high-quality print finish but at the same time not at the cost of sustainability? We provide one side of the cardboard with a clay-coated liner.

The new packaging is available in various weights and in any desired dimensions.

How does that work?

The new packaging is manufactured in the cardboard machine at Smart Packaging Solutions in Loenen. In this facility we use old paper as a raw material for new packaging. Old paper is processed into a pulp, that is subsequently sieved, compressed and dried. Grey cardboard rolls out at the end of the production line, and this forms the basis for new packaging.

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Perfect packaging to suit every purpose

With the introduction of the new packaging, Smart Packaging Solutions has expanded its range of packaging. The new packaging is available in various weights and in any desired dimensions. This makes the new packaging suitable for a large number of applications.

With the introduction of the new, sustainable packaging, Smart Packaging Solutions underpins its focus on sustainability. Conscious use of packaging and sustainability are part of our DNA. We consider it to be important that the raw materials in our packaging retain their value and continue to circulate in the packaging economy. The major share of our solid cardboard packaging comprises recycled paper and cardboard, all 100% recyclable into renewable raw materials.

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